Impression Beauty International
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Acrylics and gels are basically the same apart from the way they are applied and how they dry as can described below:-Acrylics also known as L&P (liquid and powder) consists of two components, a liquid and a powder, that start to cure (dry) as soon as they are mixed, body heat acts as a catalyst and decreases the curing time. Gels don't need mixing and they cure with U.V. light so can be worked with until placed under an U.V light box, or any other source of U.V. Curing time is usually between  about 1-2 min. The removal process is also different; acrylics can be taken off by soaking in Ultimover or acetone, while gel usually has to be filed off. iBi line of gels offers a new Easy Off Gel that soaks off in a way similar to acrylics. Some customers prefer one system over the other. Acrylic tends to be stronger while gels tend to give a more natural look. 
It is as smooth and shiny as glass ( results that cannot be achieved with handmade nails ). It gives the perfect surface to give you a stunning shine when nail polish is applied.